Förening för improviserad musik i Skåne och Öresundsregionen
Tisdagen den den 1/5 kl 19:30 Inter Arts Center, Röda Rummet, Bergsgatan 29, Malmö, Röda Rummet. Inträde 80kr, Student/Pensionär/under 18/arbetslös & dylikt 50kr.
Achim Kaufmann – piano
Frank Gratkowski – klarinet och saxofon
Wilbert de Joode – kontrabas
Tony Buck – slagverk
Under vintern 2002 gav Achim Kaufmann, Frank Gratkowski and Wilbert de Joode deras första konsert som trio på en liten klubb i Amsterdam. Sedan dess har de tre musikerna regelbundet turnerat och trion har ständigt utvecklats, fördjupats och den har berikat världen med fem skivor. På denna turné gästar den australienska slagverkaren Tony Buck.
Achim Kaufmann lived in Amsterdam from 1996 to 2009 and now resides in Berlin. Since the late 90s, he has been collaborating with reedist Michael Moore in various groups (trio kamosc, gueuledeloup quartet, duo Kaufmann/Moore). More recent (Berlin-based) groups include a trio with Okkyung Lee and Axel Dörner and grünen with bassist Robert Landfermann and drummer Christian Lillinger. Besides, he has performed and/or recorded with Jim Black (Trio kyrill), Mark Dresser, Han Bennink, Paul Lovens, George Lewis, and many more. He writes music, primarily for his own groups, but also for chamber ensembles such as the Vancouver-based Standing Wave ensemble. In 2015, he received the most renowned German jazz award, the Albert Mangelsdorff award.
Frank Gratkowski leads a quartet with Wolter Wierbos, Dieter Manderscheid, and Gerry Hemingway (and sometimes an extended version, a double quartet). He recorded duets with pianists Georg Graewe and Misha Mengelberg. Whereas his trio with Chris Brown and William Winant straddles the line between electroacoustic improvisation and contemporary chamber music, the saxophone quartet Fo(u)r Alto explores the possibilities of microtonality. Z-Country Paradise combines an underground rock aesthetic with an improvised music approach. He is primarily active as a composer for the Cologne-based Multiple Joy(ce) Orchestra.
Wilbert de Joode is a member of some of the most significant groups in the Netherlands: the Ab Baars Trio, Fuhler-Bennink-de Joode, Corkestra, Eric Boeren Quartet, Apa Ini, and various bands led by pianist Michiel Braam. He has also collaborated with Steve Lacy, Dennis Charles, Hamid Drake, Derek Bailey, William Parker, the Schlippenbach Trio, John Tchicai, Sunny Murray, Christine Sehnaoui, Barry Guy, Ken Vandermark, and many more. He has taken part in a number of multidisciplinary projects, working with dance and film. In 2016, he was awarded the Boy Edgar Prize in the Netherlands.
Tony Buck is a drummer and percussionist. He graduated from the New South Wales Conservatorium of Music , becoming involved in the Australian jazz scene. Buck played with Great White Noise during 1983 and is a founding member of The Necks with Chris Abrahams and Lloyd Swanton since 1987. He is leader of Peril, who he formed in Japan and astroPeril. He also formed the short lived L’Beato in the early 1990s, an industrial-oriented outfit reminiscent of Tackhead, which released one EP ”The Piston Song”. In the early 1990s, Buck moved from Australia to Amsterdam and later moved to Berlin, where he currently lives.